Finding the eye-line
Establishing an eye-line is the first step if you are going to use the the rules of linear perspective for constructing an image. The same is true, if you are using the same rules as an aid to drawing from observation. However, whereas its use in construction is straightforward, its use in drawing from observation is far from it. The purpose of this Post is to explain why. Below you will find a link to “Chapter 16 – Finding the eye-line“. I have also included a slightly edited version of the Introductory to that chapter.
After the session in the studio, we move out into the street. From the demonstrations using the opening window, we have learnt that any straight edge that lines up with the eye-line remains horizontal no matter at which angle it is relative to our line of vision. If we are to make use of this knowledge, we need to find the eye-line. As a general rule, students who come to my school assume that this is easy to do, but the evidence of the drawing they make suggests that they are likely to be deceiving themselves.

Chapters so far published from
Book 1 and Book 2 of “Drawing on Both Sides of the Brain” (Volume 1 of the series of four volumes)
Chapters so far loaded:
- Introduction to book 1 of “Drawing with Feeling”
- Chapter 1: Accuracy versus expression
- Chapter 2: Traditional artistic practices
- Chapter 3: Modernist ideas that fed into new teaching methods
- Chapter 4: the sketch and explaining the feel-system
- Chapter 5: Negative spaces
- Chapter 6: Contour drawing
- Chapter 7: Copying Photographs
- Chapter 8: Movement, speed & memory
- Chapter 9: The drawing lesson- preparation
Chapters so far loaded:
- Chapter 13 : Introduction to “Drawing with Knowledge”
- Chapter 14 : Linear Perspective
- Chapter 15 : Eye-line problems
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It has come to my notice that the link to Chapter 16, “Finding the eyeline”, is not working. The URL should be: < >. I hope it works this time and that you enjoy the chapter. If not please let me know. If not go to the <"My books" page <> and scroll down to “Chapter 16”.