Keeping in touch

Each year I put a copy of the annual October newsletter our website,  so here it is:

Annual Newsletter October 2018

Dear all,

The time has come for my annual newsletter.

This has been a special year for the Painting School of Montmiral, for it is now 30 years since our first season. At the end of the evening meal on the last Friday of both the June and the July/August sessions, we celebrated this with cake and candles. To assist me in blowing out the candles for the June session was Marie-Thérèse, who had first come as a student in 1988.

Marie-Thérèse was with me again at the end of the last meal in August, when we were joined by Hugh Moore, who had first come for the same session as Marie-Thérèse in 1988 and who has since come as a student 30 times), and Hélène, who was living with me at the time. I add some photos taken to commemorate the two occasions.

Both sessions went well. On the second session some students, who had been here several times before, said it was “the best ever”. But I was hesitant to agree since there have been so many sessions that I have perceived as going particularly well. I would prefer to say that it was only “one of the  many best”. When I look back over the years and when I look at the “student work” page of the website I feel so lucky in so many of the people who have joined us here in Montmiral. Although, not without its difficult moments (luckily very occasional), it has been a fulfilling experience for me. Thank you all.

As I hope many of you know, I am gradually publishing my four books on the Painting School website. You can find a list of the chapters and extracts that have been made made available so far by clicking on the ”Posts Page” of the website. I would welcome any comments, particularly since it seems that comment activity is one of the best ways to improve the website’s Google ranking.

The dates for 2019 :

Saturday 16 June to Saturday 30 June
Saturday 20 July to Saturday 3 August.

Prices for 2019 (note new information)

As last year, the cost will be €1460, except in certain circumstances. Thus, there will be special rates for:

  • People who wish to share a bedroom.
  • Less well off younger people interested in pursuing an artistic career.
  • Artists and art teachers.

If you, or any one you know that may be interested, are in any of these categories, please contact me about possible reductions.

For more detailed information and the web booking form, please go to the “Bookings Page” of our website.

I do hope some of you can come next summer and, if not, it is always good to hear from you.

Warmest regards,


June Session 2018

Enjoying the food that Katherine cooked for the celebratory meal, which climaxed with champagne and cake
Marie-Thérèse and me getting ready to blow, with Sarah and Jacqueline in the background
The blowing out, with Sarah and Jacqueline looking on.

July/August session 2018

Marie-Thérèse, me, Hugh and Hélène with the cake
Sitting back after the blowing out

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